Friday, December 11, 2015


WIP for a commission on Wajas! I really like the background myself but I can always do something else.  I used the scans of the sketches to kinda figure out where to put everyone. I didn't have a sketch of Aurelia or Rain scanned so I just wrote their names where I figured they'd look best in the picture.
Of course in the final thing, Queen's paws will be fixed. I'll move Lady over abit so you can see Lord's tail since Imp's have a cool looking dragon-like tail tip. Thinking about moving Molten's wing so I can mover him up and away from Prince. Lava could probably be moved up more, too. Crystal is looking a little awkward to me so I'll have to fix that too. Haha, that might just be because its just a rough sketch still in that picture.  Maybe a small bunny in front of Lord Carmel?
That's just what I can think of right off hand-I might notice some other things as I work on it and the comissioner might have some things that could be changed/whatever, too. Oh yeah, not sure what to do about Prince and Lord's scarf . . . Maybe I could switch Prince into where I was planning to have Rain and have Rain flying above Aurelia instead?

*Edit made a version two where I switched up the order/red marked a few things I wanted to change/ect.

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